Letter Month, Round Up 4

letter month valentine letter month letter month letter month letter monthletter monthWe are heading into the home stretch of Letter Month! I feel–similar to last year–that I’m slacking lately. I’m sometimes barely making it by midnight, and not every letter is getting dropped in the blue box on the day it was written…but I’m staying on top of writing someone every day and returning letters within a week so I’m feeling pretty good about finishing this week strong! I have a few letters to return and I’m going to try to write a few of the people I met during Ex Postal Facto.

Are you still participating? One more week to go!

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2 thoughts on “Letter Month, Round Up 4

  1. I’ve sent over 100 pieces of mail so far this month, but I kind of stopped marking what was LetterMo after day 5. :/ But I still ❤ mail and flew across the country to prove it!

    • kimberly ah says:

      Yay! Way to go Mary! I enjoy the spirit of Letter Month, but taking it too seriously takes the fun out of it. I don’t think I’m going to beat my numbers from last year, but I’ve enjoyed writing every letter I sent, so there’s that. 🙂

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